
Theater Info for the Washington DC region

Photos of Encore Stage & Studio - Sleeping Beauty

Evilina (Brandi Moore) tricks Princess Briar Rose (Maggie Keane) with the curse of the spinning wheel Cursed under Evilina's spell, Princess Briar Rose (Maggie Keane) falls into deep sleep as she waits for true love's kiss to wake her
Evilina (Brandi Moore) tricks Princess Briar Rose (Maggie Keane) with the curse of the spinning wheel
Cursed under Evilina's spell, Princess Briar Rose (Maggie Keane) falls into deep sleep as she waits for true love's kiss to wake her
Prince Alexander (Topher Wagner) arrives to save Princess Briar Rose (Maggie Keane)
Prince Alexander (Topher Wagner) arrives to save Princess Briar Rose (Maggie Keane)

Photos by Larry McClemons